When to Keep Your Child Home

  • Sometimes when your child does not feel well, it is difficult to decide whether or not to send the child to school. Here are some guidelines to follow when making that decision.

     A child should not be in school when he/she has:

    • Overall, not feeling well
    • Fever - A temperature of 99.5 degrees or above. If a child has had a fever, he/she may not return to school until she/he has been fever-free for 24 hours (without taking fever-reducing medication)
    • Nausea or vomiting, or has vomited during the night
    • Diarrhea
    • Frequent coughing or sneezing
    • Evidence of a communicable disease such as a rash, fever or unusual sores
    • Sore throat
    • Strep throat – must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours and be symptom-free
    • Cold symptoms, such as cough, stuffy/runny nose, sneezing
    • Ear or eye irritation, including pink eye

San Mateo County and Center for Disease Control guidelines:

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