Developer Fees

  • Per Education Code section 17620, the Hillsborough City School District is authorized to levy a fee for residential development projects that occur within the boundaries of the district.  For all new construction or additions that are over 500 square feet a fee of $2.45 per square foot will be collected.

    Payment of School Impact/Developer Fees can be made in person or by mail. The Hillsborough City School District accepts checks or money orders only; at this time we are unable to process debit/credit cards.

    Required Steps:

    1. Calculate the Payment:
      • Calculation of payment is the square footage of the project multiplied by $2.45 
      • Example of calculation: 650 sq ft X $2.45 = $1,592.50

    Payment Options:

    • In Person:
      • Visit our District Office located at 300 El Cerrito Avenue in Hillsborough.  
      • Appointments are preferred by contacting 650-342-5193 or email
    • By Mail:
      • Send the following to HCSD, attention Business Office:

    Documentation with your name, email address and phone number for correspondence to be sent

    Developer Impact Fee Compliance form (issued by the Building Department)

    Payment (check or money order)


    A receipt will be emailed once the completed forms and payment are received.

    If you have questions, please email

    Hillsborough City School District
    300 El Cerrito Avenue
    Hillsborough, CA 94010
    (650) 342-5193