- Registration Overview and Guidelines
Welcome to the Hillsborough City School District Community!
We look forward to getting to know you and your family. The information below will assist you in the registration process. If you have any questions about the registration process or requirements, please contact Margaux Mansfield, District Registrar, at registration@hcsdk8.org or (650) 342-5193.
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is ongoing. New families to the district should refer to the 2024-2025 Registration Information page for directions and requirements.
2025-2026 New Student Registration is OPEN
For 2025-2026, New Student Registration will be online. If you need assistance or accommodation accessing the online registration, please contact Margaux Mansfield, Registrar. Parents will gather required documents and upload them to the PowerSchool Enrollment form. Beginning on December 9, 2024 at 8:30 AM, a link to access PowerSchool Enrollment will be posted on the 2025-2026 Registration Information page.
All eligible families may begin registering for 2025-2026 school year on December 9th, but priority school placement for the elementary school will be given to the following two groups that submit their completed registration form with required documents between December 9, 2024–December 13, 2024 by 4:00PM. All registered students for grades 6-8 will attend Crocker Middle School.
Priority Group 1: K-5 students with siblings already attending their home school will be guaranteed placement at that school pending document verification and enrollment during the Priority Online Registration period.
Priority Group 2: K-5 students who complete enrollment during the Priority Online Registration period will be given top priority to be placed at their home school (second to those students enrolling with siblings attending their home school – see #1 above).
Registration will be ongoing and school placement for all registration submissions after the priority window deadline will be based on the student’s home address and classroom space availability. If a school has more students registered than they have seats available within the grade level (TK-5th grade), students will be enrolled in priority order based on the date of their fully completed and verified registration submission.
If there is a lack of classroom space at your home school, your student will be placed on a waiting list for your home school but, in the meantime, will be assigned to another school within the Hillsborough City School District with the available classroom space. Students enrolling in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) will be informed of their school placements in the spring. District administration will continue to review enrollment numbers and will contact all families affected by a change in home school, prior to the start of the school year.
To determine if your student is eligible to register for the Hillsborough City School District, review the following information:
Do you reside in the Town of Hillsborough? A student whose parent/guardian currently resides within the Town of Hillsborough boundaries is qualified to attend a HCSD school.
If your family resides in the Town of Hillsborough, home schools are based on the school boundaries. All students within grades 6-8 attend Crocker Middle School.
Owning a home within the HCSD boundaries does not qualify a student to attend a HCSD school, unless it can be shown that the student is also living (sleeping) full-time in that home.
Students must physically reside at least 50% of the time, during the regular school year, with at least one parent who resides within the Town of Hillsborough. If the other household is located outside of Hillsborough, parents must provide custody information. Parents must provide court documents for any special custody circumstances. Please contact the Registrar, Margaux Mansfield after submitting your student’s registration form for specific information.
If your family does not reside in the Town of Hillsborough, please refer to the Interdistrict Transfers policy to determine if your student qualifies. If you have questions, contact the Registrar, Margaux Mansfield.
To begin the registration process for your child within the Hillsborough City School District, go to