School Site Council

  • The primary purpose of the School Site Council is reviewing and updating the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), which aligns to the district and school goals. Site Council meets once a month throughout the year, and meetings are open to the North School community. The Council is composed of the principal, four staff members, and five parents. Parent members serve two‑year terms, with (usually) two or three of the positions becoming vacant at the end of the school year.

    The Purpose of the School Site Council Shall Be:

    A. Develop and recommend the Single Plan for Student Achievement (“SPSA”).

    B. Have on-going responsibility to review, with the principal and teachers, the implementation of the SPSA and to assess periodically the effectiveness of the program.

    C. Annually review the SPSA, establish a new school improvement budget consistent with the SPSA and Education Code and, if necessary, make modifications to the SPSA to reflect changing improvement needs and priorities.

    D. Take other actions as required by the Education Code.






    Heidi Beames, Principal