- South Elementary
- Behavior Expectations and Playground Rules
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Behavior Expectations and Playground Rules
- Students will demonstrate self-control and responsibility in academic and social situations.
- Students will demonstrate respect for other people’s person, property, ideas, feelings, learning and teaching.
- Students will exhibit cooperative behavior and demonstrate an understanding of their rights and responsibilities within a group.
- Students will be kind, considerate, and caring toward one another while remembering the following rules.
- Everyone plays.
- Play safe.
- Follow directions.
- Obey the adults on duty at all times.
Everyone plays – Every game is open to whoever wants to play as long as those playing are being safe, respectful and responsible during the game. Sharing equipment and including others are expected behaviors.
Play safe – Students must play so that they and others are not physically or emotionally hurt. Students must avoid rough play, unsafe play, and name-calling. Examples of rough play include contact soccer, slap tag, wrestling, and “play” fighting. Examples of unsafe play include jumping from the top of the play structure, sliding into someone still on or near the end of the slide, and throwing balls at someone’s head.
Follow directions – Students play within sight of the adults on duty, change behavior when requested to do so, stop and freeze when the bell rings at the end of a recess, line up at classroom doors in an orderly manner when the whistle is blown.
Students are encouraged to do the following:
- Monitor their own behaviors and choose behaviors that are appropriate for the situation and that contribute to positive interactions.
- Work out problems themselves by reminding others of the rules, asking others to stop specific behaviors, walking away, playing with someone else, etc.
- Seek help from the adult on duty if they cannot resolve the problem themselves.
- Seek help from the adult on duty if they are hurt, see another person hurt, or are concerned about the physical or emotional safety of others.
If an adult sees or is told about a hurt child, s/he will first determine what should be done for the injured child and second deal with any other children involved.
- If an adult observes rough play, unsafe or excluding behaviors, s/he will intervene and remind students of rules and discuss acceptable behaviors.
- If an adult observes continued unacceptable behaviors, school staff will be notified to address the situation.
- If adult help is sought for problem solving, the adult will work with children involved to help them resolve the issue through understanding feelings, establishing respect for others, determining an action plan, making agreements, and evaluating effectiveness.
- Students who are reported to an adult will have an opportunity to report their version of what happened, and if they want to, face their accuser(s).
How to be a Safe, Respectful and Responsible South Tiger!
KINDNESS COUNTS! Students are to be respectful and kind to everyone on the playground.
EVERYONE’S IN, EVERYONE WINS! Every game should be open to all who want to play (as long as the participants are being Safe, Respectful and Responsible with their bodies and their words). The sharing of equipment and the inclusion of others are expected behaviors. Adults may need to guide students to facilitate play—efficient use of a short play time.
WHAT YOU DO MATTERS—Students must play so that they and others are not physically or emotionally hurt. Students must avoid rough play, unsafe play, and name-calling. Examples of rough play include (but are not limited to) slide tackle soccer, wresting, slap tag, tackle football, and “play” fighting. Examples of unsafe play include (but not limited to) jumping from the upper levels of the structures, climbing up a slide, sliding into someone still on or near the end of the slide, and throwing balls or other objects at someone—“pegging.”
WHAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR—Students must follow the directions of the adults on duty, change behavior when requested to do so, stop and freeze when the bell rings, and line up at the classroom doors or designated areas in a timely and orderly manner when the whistle is blown.
TALK IT OUT—Children will work with one another to help each other resolve any issues through active listening, understanding feelings, respecting one another, and determining an action plan.
- Students are encouraged to monitor their own behavior and make appropriate choices for the situation and choices that contribute to positive interactions.
- Students should talk out conflicts between themselves, ask others to stop specific behaviors as needed, make a choice to walk away from a difficult situation, or choose to play with something or someone else.
- Students should seek guidance from an adult on duty if a student cannot resolve the problem themselves.
- Students should seek help from an adult on duty if a student or another person is hurt, or if they are concerned about the physical or emotional safety of others.
- Students should keep hands and feet to themselves
- Students should not walk through the middle of games or basketball courts
- Students may not pick up or carry other students—including little visitors
- Bathroom privacy must be respected
- Little visitors should not be on the play structures during school hours
- Respect the plant life by not walking, running, or playing in planted areas and not pulling or hanging on trees, shrubs and vines
- Students are not to be in the classroom during recess except for rainy days or when their teacher is present (this should be minimal)
- No playing in or around bathrooms
- No climbing any fences at any time
- The area behind the cafeteria, ILab, music room and immediately around the power stations is off limits
- Students should respect any posted, roped or fenced areas as off-limits
- Play Structures
- Tag and other chase games are not allowed on the play structure
- Only one person on the slide at a time
- No climbing up the slide
- No jumping from the upper half of any part of the play structure
- No sitting on or climbing over the yellow bars on the play structures (this includes the “spinner”—very slippery and require both hands for balance
- No climbing over the climbing wall
- One person at a time on the “spinner”—ten spins, take turns
- Ball Games
- Balls are not to be thrown at children
- Red balls are to be bounced
- Yellow balls and soccer balls may be kicked on the field (only)
- Handball games against walls is ok unless otherwise notified
- Football and soccer are to be played on the field (unless an adult authorizes play in another area)
- Football and soccer balls are not to be passed on the hard surface—too many students in other games
- Football games do not include tackle
- Slide tackling/kicking is not allowed
- Interfering with a game by kicking or throwing the ball away is not allowed
- Students may need assistance to divide the field for the inclusion of more students and additional games
- Basketball activities and games may need assistance for inclusion of more students
- No dodge ball
- Only adults may retrieve balls that have gone over any fence. No student is to retrieve a ball at any time. Only the custodian may retrieve balls from the creek.
- The Equipment Cart and Container will be placed in a central location for all students. Students are to place ALL equipment in the cart and container at the end of each recess. Please monitor students to be sure all equipment is returned after each recess.
- At the last afternoon recess, the third grade students (assigned duty) will close and move the cart to the iLab ramp area.
- Students use our South School equipment. Equipment from home is not allowed during school hours.
Wheels on campus (i.e. scooters, bikes, skateboards, etc.)
- All ”wheels” should be walked while a person is on school grounds (adults and children).
- Students may ride their bikes to school alone when they are in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.
- Students must have passed the Hillsborough Police Department bicycle safety test if they are riding their bike to school.
- Protective helmets must be worn.