West Hillsborough Parent Group

  • West Hillsborough Parent Group was organized to promote the welfare of the children attending West Hillsborough School and to encourage cooperation among parents, teachers, administrators and the trustees of Hillsborough School Board. It is a part of the Associated Parents' Groups of Hillsborough (APG). All West parents or guardians are members of the Parent Group; all PG members who have paid their dues have voting rights.

    West Parent Group Website



    We have many ways for School-to-Home communications to happen- our biweekly newsletter, The West World, is sent the first and middle of each month. Please be sure to read the information each week to keep abreast of school happenings, Parent Group activities, recreation opportunities, and other information we feel you should have. The principal also sends messages through “Blackboard Connect” when someone is time sensitive and needs to reach families before West World publications.

    Parent/Teacher Communications— West has formal Parent/Teacher conferences twice a year to provide important opportunities for parents to discuss their child(ren)’s progress. We also encourage parents to contact their child(ren)’s teacher with any concerns or questions throughout the school year.

    Email and voicemail are wonderful ways to communicate with the administration, counselor, and staff. Messages are returned within 24 hours. If you need immediate attention, please call the main office 650 – 344-9870, Vicky Volden, the administrator’s assistant will direct your call to the appropriate person.

    Attending Parent Group Meetings also offers opportunities for School-to-Home communications. Each meeting has a Principal report with time for questions and answers. Other groups also disseminate information at these meetings. Attending these meetings is a great way to get involved with the school’s activities, events, and programs.